Wednesday, 11 February 2009

It's Gratitude Jim, But Not As We Know It! ; )


Most of us are familiar with Gratitude - and we know that in order to attract what you want, you need to feel Gratitude for what you already have in your life.

But we tend to Thank the Universe, or God. It doesn't come naturally to us to Thank Ourselves for creating and attracting what we have so far. It doesn't come naturally to us to feel Grateful to Ourselves! And it can make all the difference in the world! I found that it was like aiming my fishing rod at a certain point in the water, and perfecting the casting, the bait and the equipment, and being reeeeeally patient - and then suddenly finding out that I just needed to aim sliiiiiiightly to the left - and THAT'S where all the fish are!!! Now I've Got it!! We attract what we have in our lives - so surely we deserve acknowledgement and gratitude for our part in that ; )

So, while we can also express Gratitude to the Universe, and God - if that feels good - when we start expressing Gratitude to ourselves, two main things happen:

1. Self Esteem starts to climb (taking your vibration with it ; )

2. By thanking yourself for the things in your life that make you feel good, you are reinforcing the fact that you create and attract good in your life - which opens you up to allowing more of it.

When you're on your own, feeling Grateful, try saying "Thank Me" - it's a funny feeling ; )

Love and Light and Magic xxx


Unknown said...

I remember back in September when I started blogging and nobody was commenting on my blog.
The pain!!!
It is all about socialising. In other words:
The easiest way to have a friend is to be one.
Lucky for you I love blogs that deal with spiritual, and self growth themes.
Stop by and you will learn something about the art of blog socializing and you will meet some very nice and smart people.
Drop a comment.
Comments are your calling cards so if they are interesting people will follow you to your blog to get more of what you have to offer.
Make sure you don't offend the blog owner or anybody else for that matter.
Go to as many popular similar sites you can and drop your comments.
Use the BC directory - it is at the very top of the BC page. Visit the top related sites and start socializing.
It will take a while to grow an audience but it worked for me :)
Be Loved!

Unknown said...

To be grateful is to acknowledge our connection with the universe - however you want to call it.
To be grateful is to open up to its blessings.
I'm grateful for you sharing your wisdom :)
Be loved!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog.

First I like the new design.

Second I think it is important to appreciate you. Appreciate and be grateful for your talents and strengths and beauty but also be grateful for your weaknesses because life is about learning and improving and growing.

Good post.

I wrote a post on spending valentines day alone and appreciating yourself.

I will echo what Buddha said, find similar blogs and comment, do not offend owner but there's nothing wrong with being a little controversial or adding your own take on the subject.

I dislike it when people who comment just write 'Wow, nice post. I was thinking of that.'

Good luck, see you here and on blogcatalog.

HalfCrazy said...

That's cool. I say it to myself sometimes. Like, "DAMN I'm great!" and then I feel embarrassed afterwards LOL. And I don't know why is that! But I appreciate myself for doing a good job! It's just weird sometimes but yeah, it helps LOL.

@Michelle - Great point. Actually, some people write "Wow, nice post." or "Great blog!" because they just skimmed through it. I don't do it! I feel so horrible LOL.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

@Halfcrazy, good point. They probably do just skim through it and then have nothing to say in the comments.

Michelle - Lifeposter

March said...

nice blog!

Anonymous said...

I think that we are taught that to be grateful to ourselves that it is arrogant. I believe the result of that is either we put everyone else above ourselves or we become ungrateful for most things. I do thank God and give him a lot of credit for the things that I do. I am just know recognizing the importance of taking the time to appreciate my own efforts and celebrate my own victories.

Giovani said...


Great point, as if we want to recreate the universe we've helped imagine into place, we've got to be "in on it!"

Sunshine & Blessings,

Giovani said...


That's a great point, because if we're helping to dream-up the situations we're in, when we step out of them, it's got to be an "inside deal." So, thank you & thank me, as well!

Sunshine & Blessings,