Monday, 9 February 2009

The Truth about "Feeling Sorry for Yourself"...


Most of us (as far as I know) are raised with the belief that it is selfish and "wrong" to "feel sorry for yourself" - we're programmed with "Stop feeling sorry for yourself..." - and the idea of feeling sorry for yourself becomes confused and enmeshed with "wallowing" and negativity... but there is a Very Important difference....

As we know, our feelings are our Guidance System.

When experiencing hurt, anger, frustration, sorrow, depression, dissapointment....etc. there is a natural urge which leads towards healing. If we were to "go with the flow" on feelings alone, most of us would probably feel really sorry for ourselves for a while, comfort ourselves, and then, find ways to feel better, and eventually get back into the game.

* A person who has been programmed against "feeling sorry for myself" will generally fight the natural urge to be compassionate with themselves, and will probably treat themselves in the same way as(and sometimes worse than) they were treated by whoever taught them this belief. And many others who have been programmed with this belief will rebel against it despite the belief.... and this comes out in complaining, and seeking acknowledgement and sympathy from others. It can also fester and become agression, resentment... and of course a variety of other symptoms.

That person will take much longer to heal (if they do at all) than someone who feels sorry for themselves until they feel better.

* There is a fear that feeling sorry for yourself is quicksand, and that once you step into that mode, you're not going to come out of it again. But that is called dispondency, not feeling sorry for yourself. And if you do a Good job of feeling sorry for yourself (as described below), dispondency is not on the menu!

If someone you love is physically hurt, it's highly unlikely you'd have no sympathy or compassion for them and that you'd push them and force them to keep going and ignore their cries of pain. You'd probably look after them, treat them kindly and compassionately, encourage them to rest, maybe even spoil them a little, and do what you could to make them feel better and to speed their healing.

And yet we usually don't treat our own emotional, mental and spiritual pain and healing in the same way.

These are the fastest, most effective steps to aid healing (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual):

1. Feel sorry for yourself - meaning a combination of Compassion and Acknowledgement.

2. Treat yourself as you would a loved one who is recovering from surgery.

3. Do whatever feels good in the moment, no matter how "self indulgent" - it is part of your treatment and it will speed up your healing.

4. Follow what feels good in the moment. If you follow what feels good in the moment, you will come through the self pity, move into self comforting, move on to indulgence, and then to inspiration and finally back to action. And it's important to let each stage play through fully until you naturally and automatically find yourself in the next one. As long as you're following what feels good in the moment, you can't go wrong, and you will not stay in any one state indefinitely.

So, go ahead and feel sorry for yourself! Give yourself permission. It's giving yourself a soft place to fall before you rest, recover and get up again.

Love and Light and Magic xxx

When the LOA Appears to "Not Work"


I've come across so many people (and I was one of them!) who do EVERYTHING "right" - Visualization (including feeeling the feeeling, vision boards etc.); Meditation; Positive Thoughts; Changing their language to focus on the Positive; Imagining they already have what they want; Acting as if they already have what they want...... etc. etc. .... and STILL don't have what they want.

It's a frustrating position to be in because, from my own experience, the answer from others is always "But you should...", "Well you're not..." and so on. There always seems to be something to pick on that the person is doing "wrong".

When a person has done EVERYthing they've been taught in order to use the LOA to their advantage, and it's still not working, it's really frutstrating to hear there's something ELSE they should be doing. If it works for others with just visualisation, then it should work for everyone with just visualisation.

Here's what I've found.... If you want something, it is already yours from the moment you want it. What keeps it from you, is Old Programming.

From birth we are automatically picking up patterns, beliefs and programming that sit in the unconscious. So, I can do all the Visualisation and Positive thinking possible - I can Consciously believe I already have what I want. I can Affirm and Intend my heart out, but if every cell in my body is programmed with an Unconscious belief that I don't deserve it, or that it's dangerous to change the status quo, I will block what I want at all costs (obviously not consciously).

It's like driving with the brake on.

Positive Visualisation and Affirmations etc. WILL work - but it takes much longer than we expect. We're trying to change Unconscious programming, not conscious thinking.

And here's something that makes a Huge difference: It's different for everyone. Because of the UNIQUE experience of each human being, their unconscious programming is like no-one else's. I found it effortless to attract my ideal life partner (I litterally just wrote down all the qualities I wanted in a partner, and then forgot about it. A couple of months later, I met someone who had all those qualities! (I only remembered the list after we'd been together a while. We've now been together for 10 years)... but no matter WHAT I did, I could not attract ANY money. And yet there are others who are able to attract plenty of money, but, although they've done EXACTLY what I did, cannot find love. Although I did EXACTLY what they did (spiritually AND physically!!), I could not attract money.....That is because my unconscious programming MUST have had beliefs about money, that contradicted my conscious desires.

I wasn't "doing" anything wrong - I was driving perfectly - exactly the way I'd been taught, and the way I'd watched others drive... but my brake was on and I didn't know it!

So, if you're feeling despondent and frustrated that you're doing everything right and yet you still haven't got what you want. Take it easy on yourself - You're trying to use a pencil to write over instructions which are carved in stone. You may need to use another tool to file down those carved writings, before your new instructions will show clearly. And it'll take a while if you're using just a pencil.

Apart from patience, time, and understanding how much is involved in changing unconscious beliefs, you can also try a variety of tools which are designed to help clear old patterns and beliefs. (EFT, PATHS, NLP, Self Hypnosis... there are many to choose from, pick the one that feels good to you). But remind yourself, it's not the tool that is creating/ attracting what you want. Those tools are to help clear old unconscious programming so that YOU can do, Automatically, what comes naturally - attracting what you focus on.

In the meantime, when things appear to go wrong, remind yourself "I'm driving with the brake on. But I'm working on releasing it." And hopefully that will help reduce the stress a little - which will contribute to your point of attraction in the moment of course ;)

Love and Light and Magic xxx

The LOA Treasure Hunt Trail... to what you want :)

Here's what I've found...Simply following what feeeels good in the moment is like following a treasure hunt trail to what you want. Following what feeels good in the moment is the shortest route, of least resistance, to what you want - even if it seems completely unrelated!

Here's an example scenario:

Peter has a blue Ford Escourt he wants to sell.

Sally wants a car, and she'd prefer a Ford Escourt because she learned to drive in one. Since it's second-hand, she doesn't mind what colour, but ideally, she'd like blue, if it's the right price.

Peter puts ads in the newspaper, and he puts a sign on the car, but no luck selling it yet. Then, he has a desire to go bowling one night. He just feels it would be fun to do. On his way to the bowling alley, he feels hungry, and fancies a chocolate bar. So he stops off at the little shop on the way.

Meanwhile, Sally's friend has called to ask her if she'd like to go and see a movie. Sally's not sure she should go as she's pouring through the newspapers, looking for a car. She needs to get one really soon, and she's getting desperate. She thinks that she *should* stay in and continue looking through the papers and online (that would be "taking action" towards her goal) ... but she knows it would feel sooo good to go to a movie with her friend... so eventually she "gives in" and accepts (following what feels good in the moment).

Her friend picks her up, and they drive to the cinema. On the way, her friend remembers she needs to urgently post a letter, and has no stamps. So she stops off to buy stamps in the little store on the way.

Sally's friend asks if she'd like to go in with her, or wait in the car. Sally feels she *should* go into the store with her friend, and perhaps buy another newspaper (that would be "taking action towards her goal") - but she doesn't feel like getting out, she feels comfortable and cosy in the car, so she chooses to wait there. (following what feels good in the moment)

While she's sitting waiting for her friend, Peter pulls up next to her, to get his chocolate bar... and she notices the sign in the window of his car - it's for sale, it's a Ford Escourt, it's blue... and the price is perfect. Sally gets out of her friend's car, speaks to Peter, they switch numbers and call it a coincidence. ;)

If you're following what feels good in the moment, every moment, just like a breadcrumb trail, even when it seems to be leading in the opposite direction to what you want, you will find it's the path of least resistance.

Love and Light and Magic